Sam i Dean Winchester viatgen a 1861 per recuperar les cendres d'un fènix que es van disparar pel famós caçador de Samuel Colt. Arriben igual que és penjat Elias Finch, i "mor" jurant venjança del xèrif, jutge i diputat. Aquesta nit, Elías s'aixeca de la tomba. El jutge és el primer a morir, incinerat pel tacte d'Elías. El xèrif mor poc després de la mateixa manera, tot i disparar Elias diverses vegades amb la seva pistola. Al dia següent, el diputat Elias troba encongit en una cel · la de la presó, protegit per Dean.Elias explica a Dean que estava acusat de l'assassinat de la seva dona. Mentre que la parella estava de visita a la ciutat, el diputat va tractar de violació dona d'Elías, i quan va intervenir el diputat i li va disparar Elias. Va morir als braços d'Elias això, una Phoenix, la bala no el perjudica. El diputat i després va conspirar amb el jutge i Sheriff i va acusar Elías de matar la seva dona. No va ser capaç d'escapar quan estava lligat amb grillons de ferro.Ell és incapaç d'arribar al diputat causa de les barres de ferro que l'envolten, així que agafa una arma i dispara amb el diputat al seu lloc. Dean fuig i es troba amb Sam, que ha recuperat la Colt de Samuel. Dean i Elías s'enfronten en estil clàssic vaquer, donant lloc a Dean assassinar a nen Elias. El tir des del Colt fa que l'au fènix de esclatar en flames abans de deixar un munt de cendres. Els germans van ser portats de tornada abans que poguessin recuperar les cendres del fènix. No obstant això, Samuel Colt arranjaments perquè el paquet sigui lliurat a Sam en 2011, que conté les cendres.Més tard, Dean paquets de les cendres de la Phoenix en 5 cartutxos d'escopeta. El contingut d'una es beu amb una unça de whisky. Més tard, després trucs Eva a mossegar-lo, el que la va fer ingerir la sang que es barreja amb cendra de Phoenix, enverinant i matant per tant ella des de l'interior.
Poders i habilitats
- Fènix es troben entre els més forts i més duradors dels monstres, que són molt poderosos, i gairebé impossible de matar.
- Incineració pel tacte - A Phoenix pot incinerar a ningú / res amb un sol toc, la seva capacitat és tan forta, que pot reduir un home complet a cendres en qüestió de segons.
- Immortalitat - Una Phoenix és immortal, és a dir, que no envelleix en absolut. Una Phoenix és immune a la mort per causes naturals i l'envelliment. Basat en els comentaris d'Elias, pel que sembla abans de la Colt, no es coneix una forma de matar un Fénix, encara que el fet que se sabés que a combustió a la mort, implica que hi ha altres maneres de matar a ells.
- Invulnerabilitat - Fènix són gairebé completament invulnerable, poden prendre fotografies repetides al pit i ni tan sols reaccionar. Encara força significativa, com pot ser penjat eliminar per un temps.
- Força sobrehumana - Fènix són increïblement fortes. Una Phoenix era prou fort per sortir del seu taüt, després d'haver estat clavat i enterrat.
- Regeneració - Fènix poden curar / regenerar-se de qualsevol i totes les lesions no fatals.
- En canviar de forma - l'au fènix pot prendre forma humana per ocultar la seva veritable forma, que és similar a les aus.
- El Colt - Des d'aquesta arma va ser creada per matar a totes les criatures, la Phoenix es pot matar amb la Colt. Què Dean fa en un enfrontament.
- Ferro - Dean s'adona que el Phoenix no pot tocar ferro, ja que igual que moltes criatures, es crema la carn, sinó que també no va poder escapar a les esposes de ferro.
Phoenixes are powerful beings who appear human, and are very rare in existence, so rare that, much like Dragons, they are believed to by mythical even by veteran hunters, like Bobby or Samuel Colt. They have the power to burn anyone into ash with a simple touch of its hand. Even though a Phoenix is immortal and powerful, it is still vulnerable to iron like many other supernatural creatures. Like almost all creatures, a Phoenix can be killed, by being shot by the Colt.
They combust upon death; their ashes can kill Eve, the Mother of All.
Sam and Dean Winchester travel back to 1861 to retrieve the ashes from a phoenix that will be shot by the famous hunter Samuel Colt. They arrive just as Elias Finch is hanged, and he "dies" swearing vengeance on the sheriff, judge and deputy. That night Elias rises from his grave. The judge is the first to die, incinerated by Elias' touch. The sheriff dies soon after in the same fashion, despite shooting Elias several times with his gun. The next day, Elias finds the deputy cowering in a jail cell, protected by Dean.
Elias explains to Dean that he was framed for the murder of his wife. While the couple were visiting the town, the deputy tried to rape Elias' wife, and when he intervened the deputy shot her and Elias. She died in Elias' arms however, being a Phoenix, the gunshot didn't harm him. The deputy then conspired with the Judge and Sheriff and accused Elias of killing his wife. He was unable to escape as he was bound with iron shackles.
He is unable to get to the deputy due to the iron bars surrounding him, so he grabs a gun and shoots the deputy instead. Dean flees and runs into Sam, who has retrieved the Colt from Samuel. Dean and Elias face off in classic cowboy style, resulting in Dean killing Elias. The shot from the Colt causes the phoenix to burst into flames before leaving a pile of ash. The brothers were brought back before they could retrieve the phoenix's ashes. However, Samuel Colt arranges for a package to be delivered to Sam in 2011, containing the ashes.
Later, Dean packs the ashes of the phoenix into 5 shotgun cartridges. The contents of one he drinks with an ounce of whiskey. Later, he then tricks Eve into biting him, causing her to ingest blood that is mixed with phoenix ash, thus poisoning and killing her from the inside.
Powers and Abilities
- Phoenixes are amongst the strongest and most durable of monsters, they are quite powerful, and almost impossible to kill.
- Incineration by touch - A Phoenix can incinerate anyone/anything with a single touch, their ability is so strong, they can reduce a whole man to ashes in seconds.
- Immortality - A Phoenix is immortal, meaning that it does not age at all. A Phoenix is immune to death by natural causes and aging. Based on Elias's comments, it seems before the Colt, there was no known way to kill a Phoenix, although the fact it was known that they combust upon death, implies there are other ways to kill them.
- Invulnerability - Phoenixes are nearly completely invulnerable, they can take repeated shots in the chest and not even react. Although significant force, such as being hanged can knock them out for a while.
- Superhuman Strength - Phoenixes are incredibly strong. One Phoenix was strong enough to break out of its coffin, after it had been nailed down and buried.
- Regeneration - Phoenixes can heal/regenerate from any and all non fatal injuries.
- Shapeshifting - The Phoenix can take human form to conceal its true form, which is bird-like.
- The Colt - Since this gun was created to kill all creatures, a Phoenix can be killed using the Colt. Which Dean does in a showdown.
- Iron - Dean figures out that a Phoenix can't touch Iron, as like many creatures, it burns their flesh, it also couldn't escape iron handcuffs.
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