Friday, 10 May 2013

Jefferson Starships

Jefferson Starships, nomenat per Dean Winchester, són híbrids nous monstres creats per Eva com un subjecte de prova per veure si podia crear la criatura sobrenatural final. Es tracta d'una combinació de molts dels monstres Sam i Dean s'han enfrontat. Tenen dents de vampir i la punta d'un espectre. També poden canviar de forma en el que vulguin. Només poden ser assassinats per decapitació amb una espasa de plata.


Per combatre els atacs de Crowley sobre els seus fills, Eve va decidir convertir tots els éssers humans en un monstre, pel que cada ànima a la terra la seva propietat, per això es va establir en una ciutat i va començar a construir el monstre final. Les seves primeres creacions van atacar a un club, i van començar a infectar altres. Des Dean va ser qui va descobrir aquestes criatures, Bobby li va dir que ell ha d'aconseguir que els nom. Dean ells el nom de la banda es va formar en la dècada de 1970. Va declarar que el seu motiu va ser "Perquè són horribles i difícils de matar."Primer Starships Jefferson d'Eva eren febles, i encara que posseïa els seus poders, van cremar a si mateixos, el que porta a ella seguir millorant, fins que se li va ocórrer el que ella creu que és el prop de la bèstia final amb els poders de molts dels seus fills, i la intel · ligència extra, astúcia i força.Els diversos fent-se passar per policies, Naus capturats Bobby, Sam i Castiel, però al veure una espurna de la retina en una pantalla, Sam es va adonar del que realment eren, i va començar una escaramussa entre els caçadors i les naus espacials, Dean va arribar i va descobrir la debilitat naus .Van aconseguir capturar un, ia través d'ell es va aconseguir localitzar a Eva. No obstant això, els caçadors van ser capturats per Eva i les seves altres naus espacials. Eva més tard va revelar que un dels nens rescatats dels caçadors abans de les naus va ser en realitat "la bèstia perfecta '.L'espècie va ser aparentment completament aniquilats per Castiel i els dimonis de Crowley, com a tals, s'han extingit.


En estar fet per ser la bèstia final, el Jefferson Starship va ser descrit per la seva mare, tan intel · ligent, astut i fort. Van ser excepcionalment bo en passar com a persones normals i podrien evitar ser detectat pels mètodes de caçadors comuns. Com a resultat d'això, Sam i Dean eren incapaços de dir que un nen que viatjaven amb era Starship, fins a la vigília va dir que era.També es va mostrar a ser molt agressiu, immediatament després d'esdevenir una nau estel · lar, la persona podria atacar altres, a diferència d'altres monstres recentment convertit que no van mostrar moments de confusió o unsureness, cap signe de la humanitat sobreviure, tot havia desaparegut, i simplement un monstre mantingut.


Construït per ser els monstres finals, les naus estel · lars Jefferson posseeixen els poders de molts monstres. 
  • Força sobrehumana - Starships Jefferson són considerablement més forts que els humans. Es pot llançar fàcilment un home adult en una habitació.
  • Invulnerabilitat - Només pot ser mort per decapitació amb un ganivet de plata.
  • Velocitat sobrehumana - Poden moure aproximadament a la mateixa velocitat que els vampirs.
  • Agilitat sobrehumana - són més àgils que els humans normals.
  • Resistència sobrehumana - Starships no es cansen, però, encara requereix suport.
  • Ullals - Tenen afilats ullals retràctils com els vampirs, que utilitzen per atacar.
  • Spikes - Tenen pics extensibles ocults en les seves nines, com espectres.
  • Shapeshifting - Poden adoptar la forma de ser éssers humans, i, presumiblement, absorbir els seus records, com Shapeshifters
  • Bite Infeccioses - Igual que els homes llop, es pot convertir als humans en Starships al picar-los.
Possible, però no confirmada poders

A mesura que es van fer mitjançant la combinació d'Espectres, Shapeshifters i vampirs, el més probable és que posseeixen l'espècie altres potències, però aquestes habilitats encara no s'han confirmat.

  • Invisibilitat
  • Alteració Percepció
  • Hallucinogenesis
  • Inducció Insanity
  • Immortalitat
  • Sentits sobrehumans
  • Regeneració

 Igual que els seus poders, com els híbrids, Jefferson Starships comparteixen debilitats amb altres monstres.
  • Decapitació-La debilitat dels vampirs.
  • Flamarada de retina - Com Shapeshifters, tenen un toc de retina quan es va filmar.
  • Poders Angèlics - Castiel va ser capaç de destruir fàcilment totes les naus espacials al restaurant després d'haver obtingut els seus poders.
  • Extracció del cor - dimonis de Crowley va matar dues naus, en arrencar el cor a través del seu pit.

Jefferson Starships, named by Dean Winchester, are new monster hybrids created by Eve as a test subject to see if she could create the ultimate supernatural creature. They are a combination of many of the monsters Sam and Dean have faced. They have the teeth of a vampire and the spike of a wraith. They can also shapeshift into whatever they want. They can only be killed by beheading them with a silver blade.


To combat Crowley's attacks on her children, Eve decided to turn every human into a monster, thus making every soul on Earth her property, to do this she settled in a town and began building the ultimate monster. Her first creations attacked a club, and started infecting others. Since Dean was the one who discovered these creatures, Bobby told him that he should get to name them. Dean named them after the band formed in the early 1970's. He stated that his reason was "Because they're horrible and hard to kill."
Eve's first Jefferson Starships were weak, and although possessed their powers, they burned themselves out, leading to her continuing to improve them, until she came up with what she believed to be the near the ultimate beast with the powers of many of her children, and extra intelligence, cunning and strength.

The several posing as cops, Starships captured Bobby, Sam and Castiel, however upon seeing a retinal flare in a screen, Sam realised what they really were, and a skirmish began between the hunters and the starships, Dean arrived, and discovered the starships weakness.
They managed to capture one, and through him they managed to track down Eve. However, the hunters were captured by Eve and her other Starships. Eve later on revealed that one of the children the hunters rescued earlier from the starships was actually 'the perfect beast'.
The species was apparently completely wiped out by Castiel and Crowley's demons, as such they are extinct. 


Being made to be the ultimate beast, the Jefferson Starship was described by its mother, as intelligent, cunning, and strong. They were exceptionally good at passing as regular people and could avoid being detected by common hunter methods. As a result, Sam and Dean were unable to tell that a child they were traveling with was a Starship, until Eve told them he was.
They were also shown to be highly aggressive, immediately after becoming a Starship, the person would attack others, unlike other recently turned monsters they showed no moments of confusion or unsureness, no signs of any surviving humanity, all was gone, and simply a monster remained. 


Built to be the ultimate monsters, the Jefferson Starships possess the powers of many monsters.

  • Superhuman Strength - Jefferson Starships are considerably stronger than humans. They can easily throw a full-grown man across a room.
  • Invulnerability - They can only be killed by decapitation with a silver knife.
  • Superhuman Speed - They can move at approximately the same speed as vampires.
  • Superhuman Agility - Are more agile than normal humans.
  • Superhuman Stamina - Starships don't tire, however they still require sustenance.
  • Fangs - They have sharp, retractable fangs like Vampires, which they use to attack.
  • Spikes - They have extendable spikes concealed in their wrists, like Wraiths.
  • Shapeshifting - They can assume the form of humans being, and presumably absorb their memories, like Shapeshifters
  • Infectious Bite - Like werewolves, they can turn humans into Starships by biting them.
Possible, but Unconfirmed powers

As they were made by combining Wraiths, Shapeshifters and Vampires, it is likely they possess the species' other powers, but these abilities have yet to be confirmed.

  • Invisibility
  • Perception Alteration
  • Hallucinogenesis
  • Insanity Inducement
  • Immortality
  • Superhuman Senses
  • Regeneration

Much like their powers, as hybrids, Jefferson Starships share weaknesses with other monsters.

  • Decapitation- The weakness of Vampires.
  • Retinal Flare - Like Shapeshifters, they have a retinal flare when filmed.
  • Angelic Powers - Castiel was able to easily obliterate all the Starships in the diner after he got his powers back.
  • Heart removal - Crowley's demons killed two starships by ripping their hearts out through their chests. 

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