Thursday 30 May 2013

Objects of the hunters / Objectes dels caçadors

Bobby's flask

This flask once belonged to Bobby Singer, but came into Dean's hands following Bobby's death. The flask is on Dean's person at all times

Aquest flascó pertànyer a Bobby, però va arribar a les mans de Dean després de la mort de Bobby. El flascó està en la persona de Dean en tot moment

The impala

The Impala is Dean's trademark black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. It was passed down to him by his father, who bought it in 1973 after a future Dean convinces him to buy it over a 1964 VW Van in the episode "In the Beginning". According to Dean the car has 327 Engine and a Four Barrel carburetor. It bears a Sedgwick County, Kansas license (though their hometown of Lawrence, Kansas is actually in Douglas County) plate KAZ 2Y5, a reference to Kansas, the Winchesters' home state, and 2005, the year the show premiered. Starting in the episode 2.20 "What Is and What Should Never Be", the car sports a new Ohio license plate (CNK 80Q3) to aid the brothers in hiding from the FBI.
The trunk holds an arsenal of weapons which are modified and crafted to aid The Winchesters in their hunting activities. Dean refers to the Impala affectionately as "Baby."

El Impala és la marca registrada de Dean negre 1967 Chevrolet Impala. Es transmet a ell pel seu pare, que el va comprar el 1973, després d'un futur Dean el convenç perquè compri més d'un VW Van 1964 en l'episodi "Al principi". Segons Dean el cotxe té 327 cerca i un carburador Four Barrel. Porta un comtat de Sedgwick, Kansas llicència (encara que la seva ciutat natal de Lawrence, Kansas és en realitat al comtat de Douglas) Placa KAZ 2Y5, una referència a Kansas, estat d'origen els Winchester ", i 2005, any en l'espectacle es va estrenar. Començant en l'episodi 2.20 "el que és i el que mai hauria de ser", el cotxe llueix una nova placa d'Ohio (CNK 80Q3) per ajudar els germans en la clandestinitat des del FBI.

El maleter un arsenal d'armes que es modifiquen i fan a mà per ajudar els Winchester en les seves activitats de caça. Dean es refereix a la Impala afectuosament com "Baby".

EMF meter

One of the most important piece of hunter equipment is the EMF Meter. The EMF meter measures EMFs (Electromagnetic fields) - EMF is given off by spirits. This helps hunters find if the room is haunted, or sometimes where the spirit's body is. Although, if there are nearby power lines, the EMF meter is rendered useless and its readings unreliable. When EMF gets high, it makes noise.

Una de les peces més importants de l'equip de caça és el mesurador EMF. Les mesures del mesurador EMF EMF (camps electromagnètics) - EMF es desprenen per esperits. Això ajuda als caçadors a trobar si l'habitació està embruixada, o, de vegades en el cos de l'esperit és. Encara que, si hi ha línies elèctriques properes, el mesurador EMF es torna inútil i les seves lectures poc fiables. Quan EMF s'eleva, fa soroll

John Winchester's Journal

John Winchester created a journal in which he placed all of his most important information. In "Pilot", he left it for his sons to find and to guide them. The Winchesters consult the journal frequently.
Along with the laptop that Sam owned, the journal was his and Dean's most valuable asset in finding and killing supernatural entities. The journal was John's "single, most valuable possession". The journal is believed to be extensive and is also believed to hold all of the information needed to defeat Azazel whom he had spent his entire hunting career looking for.
Sam and Dean eventually learn that the physical journal itself is actually one ordered by Henry Winchester before he disappeared for his own use. Apparently despite hating the man, for "running out on him," John still kept it and used it for himself when he became a hunter.

John Winchester creat una revista en què es va col · locar la totalitat de la seva informació més important. A "Pilot", ho va deixar els seus fills a trobar i que els guiï. Els Winchester consultar la revista amb freqüència.

Juntament amb l'ordinador portàtil que Sam propietat, la revista era d'ell i actiu més valuós de Dean a trobar i matar entitats sobrenaturals. La revista era "més valuosa possessió single," de Joan. La revista es creu que és extensa i també es creu per contenir tota la informació necessària per derrotar Azazel que havia passat tota la seva carrera a la recerca de caça.

Sam i Dean finalment aprenen que la mateixa revista física és en realitat un ordenat per Henry Winchester abans de desaparèixer per al seu propi ús. Pel que sembla, tot i odiar l'home, perquè "acaba amb ell," John encara es conserva i ho va usar per a si mateix quan va esdevenir un caçador.

Demon-killing knife

An ancient knife that was created by the Kurds which possesses the power to kill demons. Ruby obtained it by Season 3. It eventually passes into the possession of Sam and Dean Winchester, who use it as their most common means of killing demons

Un antic ganivet que va ser creat pels kurds, que posseeix el poder de matar els dimonis. Rubí obté per Temporada 3. Amb el temps, passa a mans de Sam i Dean Winchester, que l'utilitzen com el seu mitjà més comú de matar dimonis

The colt

The Colt is a revolver made by the hunter Samuel Colt. John Winchester had been searching for it for many years. According to legend, anything shot by this gun, using one of its thirteen original bullets, will die, including supernatural creatures normally immune to any and all weapons. On several occasions, it was in the possession of Sam and Dean Winchester, who used it to kill demons, vampires and other beings

El Colt és un revòlver realitzat pel caçador Samuel Colt. John Winchester havia estat buscant durant molts anys. Segons la llegenda, res va disparar l'arma, usant un dels seus tretze bales originals, morirà, incloent criatures sobrenaturals normalment immunes a qualsevol i totes les armes. En diverses ocasions, va ser en la possessió de Sam i Dean Winchester, que el va utilitzar per matar els dimonis, vampirs i altres éssers 

Anti-possesion tatto

Anti-possession symbols are a method to ward off demonic possession. It features a pentagram, or endless knot, which is the reason why it protects those who wear this symbol. The only people known to have this symbol tattooed on their bodies are Sam and Dean Winchester and Sera Seige. Kevin Tran and his mother received these tattoos, though Mrs. Tran's was later burned off, rendering her vulnerable to Crowley.

Símbols contra la possessió són un mètode per protegir-se de la possessió demoníaca. Compta amb un pentagrama, o nus sense fi, que és la raó per la qual protegeix els que porten aquest símbol. Les úniques persones que se sap que tenen aquest símbol tatuat en els seus cossos són Sam i Dean Winchester i Sera Setge. Kevin Tran i la seva mare van rebre aquests tatuatges, encara que la Sra Tran va ser posteriorment cremat, el que fa vulnerable a Crowley.


Hunters are commonly armed with a wide variety of firearms or guns. Dean Winchester for example carries a Colt M1911A1.
While guns are generally ineffective against monsters, demons, and ghosts, they can be loaded with specially modified rounds to harm, repel, or even kill supernatural entities. For example, pistols or rifles loaded with Silver bullets are used to kill Werewolves, Skinwalkers and Shapeshifters. Iron bullets are needed to kill Shtriga. Shotgun shells packed with rock salt can repel ghosts, hellhounds, and demons. A bullet with a Devil's Trap engraved into it can be used to trap a demon in its host.
Conventional ammunition can kill (some types of) Zombies, Amazons, and (obviously) normal humans. A very special gun, The Colt, can kill almost anything in existence.
Demons and Leviathan have also been known to use guns on occasion - sometimes just for amusement. Angels will rarely use firearms unless they are completely powerless. The deity Beau tried to kill Sam with a pistol.
In The Great Escapist, Crowley invents a special Anti-Angel pistol by melting down Angel Blades and crafting them into bullets.

Els caçadors són generalment armats amb una gran varietat d'armes de foc o armes de foc. Dean Winchester, per exemple, porta una Colt M1911A1.

Mentre que les armes són generalment ineficaços contra els monstres, dimonis i fantasmes, que poden ser carregades amb projectils especialment modificats per fer mal, repel · lir, o fins i tot matar a entitats sobrenaturals. Per exemple, pistoles o rifles carregats amb bales de plata s'utilitzen per matar homes llop, Skinwalkers i Shapeshifters. Calen bales de ferro matar Shtriga. Cartutxos d'escopeta carregats de sal de roca poden repel · lir fantasmes, Hellhounds i dimonis. Una bala amb el parany d'un diable gravat en ell es pot utilitzar per atrapar un dimoni en el seu hoste.

Munició convencional pot matar (alguns tipus de Zombies), Amazones, i (òbviament) els éssers humans normals. Una arma molt especial, el Colt, pot matar gairebé qualsevol cosa en l'existència.

Dimonis i Leviatan també han estat coneguts per usar armes de foc, a vegades - de vegades només per diversió. Els àngels no solen utilitzar armes de foc a menys que siguin totalment impotent. La deïtat Beau intentar matar Sam amb una pistola.

A The Great Escapist, Crowley inventa una pistola especial anti-Angel de fosa Fulles Àngel i elaboració d'ells a trets.



Knives are a common type of weapon used by supernatural hunters. Sam and Dean have knives in the trunk of the Impala. John Winchester had a knife as well. Vampire hunter Gordon Walker also had a knife.

Els ganivets són un tipus comú d'arma utilitzada pels caçadors sobrenaturals. Sam i Dean tenen ganivets al maleter del Impala. John Winchester tenia un ganivet així. Vampire Hunter Gordon Walker també tenia un ganivet.


A stake is a sharpened piece of wood that has supernatural properties and can be used as a weapon.

Una estaca és una peça afilada de fusta que propietats sobrenaturals i pot ser utilitzat com una arma.

Phoenix ash

Phoenix ash is remnants of a Phoenix. Sam and Dean use it to kill Eve. As Bobby puts it, "ashes of a Phoenix can burn the Mother". It's the only thing that can kill her, other than by God or Death, obviously.
Dean drinks a shot of alcohol containing the ashes, thus introducing the Phoenix ashes into his blood. He then goads Eve into biting him. Eve is poisoned by the ashes and dies.

Phoenix cendres romanents d'una Phoenix. Sam i Dean s'utilitzen per matar Eva. Com Bobby diu, "cendres de la Phoenix pot cremar la Mare". És l'únic que pot matar a ella, que no sigui per Déu o la mort, òbviament.

Dean beu un glop d'alcohol que conté les cendres, introduint així les cendres Phoenix a la sang. A continuació, incita a Eva a mossegar. Eva és enverinat per les cendres i mor.

Dean's Amulet

Dean's Amulet is a piece of jewelry that Dean wore from Pilot to Good God Y'All, and was last seen in Dark Side of The Moon

Amulet de Dean és una peça de joieria que Dean portava de pilot al Bon Déu Y'all, i va ser vist per última vegada al costat fosc de la Lluna

Enochian Sigil

Enochian sigils belong to a type of magic that both Demons and Angels have knowledge of. This branch of magic is heavily reliant on use of runes derived from the eponymous language of the angels. Hunters have some knowledge of it, but do not completely understand it. Their use begin to show up prominently in Season 4.

Sigils Enoquianas pertanyen a un tipus de màgia que tant els dimonis i els àngels tenen coneixement. Aquesta branca de la màgia depèn en gran mesura l'ús de les runes derivats de la llengua del mateix nom dels àngels. Els caçadors tenen algun coneixement d'ella, però no entenen per complet. El seu ús comença a aparèixer prominentment en la Temporada 4.

Música temporada 3 / Music Season 3

AC/ DC - Hells Bells

Bachman Turner Overdrive- You ain't seen nothin' yet

Howling Diablos- Mean little town

J.B. Burnett- I shall not be moved

Goodnight City- 40.000 miles

Steve Carslon - If it ain't easy (instrumental)

Daniel May- Women's wear
Les Paul & Mary Ford- Vaya con Dios

Brimstone Howl- Bad seed

Creedence Clearwater Revival- Run through the jungle

Sasquatch- Nikki

Bad Company- Crazy circles

David Feldstein- Seven minutes to heaven

Poison- Every rose has it thorn

Screamin' Jay Hawkins- I put a spell on you

Cass Elliot - Dream a little dream of me
The Doobie Brothers - Long train runnin'

Asia- Heat of the moment

Huey Lewis & The News - Back in time

Focus- Hocus pocus

Grand Funk Railroad - We're an american band

Leslie Gore- It's my party

 Bon Jovi- Wanted Dead or Alive

Kansas - Carry on my wayward son 

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Música Temporada 2 / Music Season 2

Creedence Clearwater Revival- Bad moon rising

Ted Nugent- Strangehold

Captain & Tennille - Do that to me one more time

The Chamber Brothers- Time has come today

Three dog Night - Shambala

Joerney - Wheel in the Sky

Lee Rocker - funny Car Graveyard

Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials - Golden Rule 

Supergrass- Sad girl

Daniel May- Women's wear 

Lil' Ed and the blues Imperials - Tired of crying

REO Speedwagon - Can't fight this feeling

Soundgarden - Fell on black days

Spinal Tap- Stonehenge

Cheap Trick- Surrender

Foreigner- Cold as ice

Brian Tichy- Chaos surrounds you

Little Walter- Key to the highway

Robert Johnson - Crossroad Blues

Robert Johnson- Hell hound on my trail

Carey Bell- Lonesome stranger

Jefferson Airplane - White rabbit

Muse - Supermassive blackhole

Styx - Renegade

Bob Dylan- Knockin' on heaven's door

Jamie Dunlap - Down on love

REO Speedwagon - Back on the road again
Tarbox Ramblers- Ashes to ashes

The Doors - The crystal ship

Barry White- Can't get enough of your love babe

Chris deBurgh- Lady in red

Junk Food- Next to you

The James Gang/Joe Walsh -Walk away

The Animals - House os the rising sun

Kip Winger - Smoking gun

Queensrÿche - Silent lucidity

Screaming Trees - Look at you 

The Stooges - down on the street

Frank Sinatra - I've got the world on a string

Herb Alpert - Green peppers

Alice in Chains - Rooster

Booker T and the MG's - Green onions

Joey Ramone - What a wonderful world

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Saturday night special

Boston - Foreplay / Long time

Martyn Laight / Carlin Music - Wrapped around your finger

Boston - Don't look back