Vengeful Spirits are a type of ghost, they are the most recurring type of ghost there is, they are also amongst the most dangerous.
Són fantasmes, que han tingut una gran injustícia comesa contra ells en la seva vida (en general el que els va matar), això fa que es mantinguin després de la mort, per intentar venjar aquesta injustícia. Les hores extraordinàries que a poc a poc s'obsessionen amb això fins que és l'únic que els passa. Bobby el va descriure com "una picor que no pots rascar". Com a tals, actuen amb violència per intentar venjar el mal, però, en el procés, la seva obsessió amb la venjança sovint els porta a fer mal a persones innocents. De vegades, la venjança es pot propagar a altres persones, que no tenien res a veure amb ells, però tenen o estan fent alguna cosa que és similar a la mort. És possible, que una vegada que es venjat passen a l'altre vida, però sovint no són capaços de passar. En ocasions, són persones que encara són vius, però a la vora de la mort.
They are ghosts, who have had some great wrong done to them in their lives (normally what killed them), this causes them to remain after death, to try and avenge this wrong. Overtime they slowly become obsessed with this until it is the only thing they can think of. Bobby described it like "an itch that you just can't scratch". As such they act violently to try and avenge the wrong, however in the process, their obsession with revenge often leads to them harming innocent people. Sometimes their vengence can spread on to others, who had nothing to do with them, but have or are doing something that is similiar to their death.
It is possible, that once they are avenged that they pass on, however often they are unable to cause this. Occasionally, they're people who are still alive, but on the verge of death.
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