Tuesday 16 April 2013

Sam Winchester

Samuel "Sam" Winchester és un dels dos protagonistes de la sèrie Supernatural, és interpretat per Jared Padalecki.

Samuel Winchester va néixer el 2 de maig de 1983 a Lawrence, Kansas. Els seus pares són John i Mary Winchester i té un germà gran, Dean, quatre anys més gran que ell. No obstant això, la tragèdia va caure sobre la família, quan el dia en què Sam complia els sis mesos, un dimoni va matar la seva mare fent que es cremés al sostre. Des d'aquest moment, el seu pare, s'obsessiona amb saber qui va matar a la seva dona i dedica la seva vida des de llavors va ser caçador de criatures sobrenaturals al llarg del país, fins que trobés el que va matar a la seva dona.

El petit Sam, a cura la major part del temps del seu germà Dean, comença a portar una vida fora de la normal qual cosa provoca que, a poc a poc, vagi acumulant cert rancor cap a la seva família desitjant escapar d'ella quan tingui la possibilitat . En créixer, Sam es converteix en un noi bastant maco i independent i quan per fi es fa adult, decideix portar la seva pròpia vida, no vol ser caçador tal com ha fet el seu germà, seguint els passos del seu pare i vol anar a la universitat i arribar a ser advocat. Quan es marxa, té una forta confrontació amb el seu pare, amb qui no tornarà a parlar durant més de dos anys.

A la universitat coneix a Jessica Moore, que es convertirà en la seva núvia i amb la qual arriba fins i tot a compartir apartament. No obstant això, la seva vida torna a fer un complet gir quan una nit, apareix Dean i li diu que el seu pare ha desaparegut i que necessita la seva ajuda per trobar-lo. Sam accepta acompanyar-lo, però només durant el cap de setmana.

En passar els dos dies i no tenir cap nova pista del parador del seu pare, excepte unes coordenades per complir una nova cacera. Sam torna a casa, només per trobar que Jessica està al sostre i veure-la morir de la mateixa manera que la seva mare.
A partir del moment en què Dean ho treu d'allí, decideix acompanyar el seu germà fins a trobar al seu pare i acabar amb el dimoni que va matar la seva nòvia i la seva mare.

La relació amb Dean 
Des del moment en què s'embarca amb el seu germà, Sam s'adona que són terriblement diferents i que cada un veu la caça d'una forma completament diferent. A més, mentre l'únic propòsit de Dean és trobar al seu pare i ajudar a la gent que pateix problemes del tipus "paranormal", Sam vol trobar al dimoni que va matar a Jessica i prendre venjança.

Sam és responsable, assenyat i pensa les coses diverses vegades abans de fer-les. Mentre que Dean es deixa portar pels seus impulsos i emocions i al contrari que Sam, fins ben entrada la segona temporada, Sam no és capaç d'estar amb una noia com ho feia amb Jessica, perquè el seu record, li impedeix.

No obstant això, el seu punt de vista va canviant a poc a poc a mesura passen els capítols, sobretot quan entra en la segona temporada, ja que acaba per no poder veure la vida sense el seu germà a prop i demostra que seria capaç de fer qualsevol cosa per ell, igual que també ho demostra en Dean en altres moments.

Mentre al começament, Sam és un noi totalment independent, que porta uns anys fora de l'entorn familiar, conforme passa el temps, es sent completament unit al seu germà, tant que arriscarà la seva vida per ell si cal i quan la vida de Dean estigui en perill utilitzaria totes les seves possibilitats, per remotes que siguin per ajudar-lo.


 Samuel Winchester was born 2 May 1983 in Lawrence, Kansas. His parents are John and Mary Winchester and has an older brother, Dean, four years older than him. However, tragedy befell the family when the day Sam turned six months, a demon killed his mother by burning the roof. Since then, his father, obsessed with knowing who killed his wife and devoted his life since then from being hunter supernatural creatures throughout the country, giving up to what killed his wife.Little Sam, to cure most of the time his brother Dean begins to lead a life which causes unusual, little by little, will accumulate some resentment towards his family wanting to escape her in you have the opportunity. Growing up, Sam becomes a pretty nice guy and independent and when he finally grows up, decides to take his own life, not to be hunter as did his brother, following in the footsteps of his father and wants to go to college and become a lawyer. When launched, it has a strong confrontation with his father, who will not talk for more than two years.In college meets Jessica Moore, who will become his girlfriend and which even gets to share apartment. However, his life has once again made a complete turn when one night, Dean appears and tells him that his father is missing and needs your help to find him. Sam agrees to join, but only for the weekend.Passing two days and have no new track whereabouts of his father, except to comply with new coordinates hunting. Sam returns home, only to find that Jessica is on the roof and watch her die the same way his mother.From the moment Dean saves there, decides to accompany his brother to find her father and ended with the demon that killed his girlfriend and his mother.

 The relationship with Dean 
From the moment he embarked with his brother, Sam realizes that they are terribly different and each one sees a completely different game. In addition, while Dean is the sole purpose of finding his father and help people suffering from problems such as "paranormal" Sam wants to find the demon that killed Jessica and take revenge.

Sam is responsible, sensible things and think several times before doing them. While Dean is carried away by their emotions and impulses and unlike Sam, well into the second season, Sam is not able to be with a girl like Jessica did, because his memory, prevents him.

However, his view is changing slowly as the chapters go, especially when in the second season, because just because you can not see life without her brother nearby and would be able to show that do anything for him, as also demonstrated by Dean at other times.

While at first, Sam is a guy totally independent, which takes a few years outside the family, as time goes on, you feel completely attached to his brother, so that he will risk his life if necessary, and when the life of Dean is in danger to use all its possibilities, however remote for help.

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