Tuesday 16 April 2013

Dean Winchester

 Dean Winchester és el nom del protagonista de la sèrie de televisió, Supernatural ("Sobrenatural" a Espanya), interpretat per l'actor nord-americà, Jensen Ackles.

Dean Winchester és el major dels germans Winchester. Va néixer el 24 de gener de 1979 a Lawrence, Kansas. Quan era molt petit, la seva mare va ser tràgicament assassinada per un emblemàtic dimoni que es va escapolir fins a casa a Kansas amb l'objectiu de maleir a través de la seva sang a Sam (Jared Padalecki), nounat a la família Winchester. Aquest esdeveniment marcaria tant la vida del seu pare com la seva, ja que en ser el més gran dels dos germans, havia d'assegurar de protegir en tot moment a Sam. D'aquesta manera, la infància de Dean seria catastròfica i diferent a la de qualsevol altre menor d'edat: sense la presència maternal en la seva tutela i protegint en tot moment al seu germà de qualsevol esdeveniment paranormal. La família Winchester decideix deixar la seva llar de sempre a Kansas, després del desafortunat succés, mentre que John Winchester (el seu pare, interpretat per Jeffrey Dean Morgan) esdevé un caçador de fantasmes i éssers sobrenaturals, amb l'única finalitat de localitzar al dimoni que va causar la mort de la seva esposa.

                  Eyes of tiger- Dean Winchester

Dades rellevants de Dean

- Li té fòbia als avions.

- Igual que el seu germà menor, ha mort i reviscut diverses vegades i ha estat tant a la terra com en el cel i l'infern. Fins i tot al purgatori, on arribo a parar al costat de Castiel en l'últim episodi de la setena temporada.

- En la Temporada 5 Capítol 07 "The Curious Casi Of Dean Winchester" Dean perd una de pòquer contra un bruixot i perd 25 anys de la seva vida, tornant-se  un ancià.    

- En la Temporada 4 Capítol 03 "In the Biginning" Dean és enviat a l'any 1970 per Castiel. Allà coneix els seus pares de joves quan encara eren nuvis.

- Va ser enviat per Zacarías 5 anys en el futur on es va trobar amb el mateix.

- En Temportada 8 Capítol 15 "Man Best Friend with Benefits" es descobreix que Dean és alergico als gats.

- Odia als ratolins.

- Pateix del cor al que li fan èmfasi en l'episodi 3x6, "Xarxa Sky at the Morning" en el qual Bella li fa un joc brut a Dean ficant amb l'Impala. A Dean gairebé li d'un atac de cor literalment i Sam va haver de calmar-lo. Aquest problema és possible que vingui arran del passat en l'episodi 1x12 "Faith", en què Dean, en un treball de cacera, es va electrocutar accidentalment el que gairebé el porta a la muuerte. Va ser curat en el mateix episodi, però això no treu que hagi deixat "taques" per així dir-ho.

- Sempre porta el seu cabell pulcrament retallat i pentinat, a diferència de Sam.

- Si Dean no hagués estat destinat per a la seva vida com a caçador, sens dubte seria un gamer / otaku, el que s'ha deixat veure en la Temproada 7 Capítol 11 "Adventures in babysitting", quan Sam li crida l'Anime "cartoons" i dean ofès li respon: "No són cartoons, són una forma d'art japonesa" i en la Temporada 8 Capítol 11, on es tornen a trobar amb Charlie, la qual es troba en un Live Action Role Players i Dean es mostra molt interessat, comentant estratègies de batalles


Dean Winchester is the largest of the Winchester brothers. He was born on January 24, 1979 in Lawrence, Kansas. When I was very young, her mother was tragically killed by a demon who escaped symbolic way home to Kansas in order to curse through the blood to Sam (Jared Padalecki) Winchester newborn in the family. This event would mark much of his life as his father, as being the largest of the two brothers, was to ensure at all times to protect Sam. Thus, Dean would be catastrophic childhood and different from any other minor: without maternal presence in their care at all times and protected his brother from any paranormal event. The Winchester family decides to leave their home in Kansas forever, after the unfortunate event, while John Winchester (his father, played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan) becomes a ghost hunter and supernatural beings with the sole purpose of locating the demon that killed his wife.

Interessting details of Dean

- Phobic aircraft.

- Like his younger brother has died and been revived several times on earth and in heaven and hell. Even in purgatory, where I get to the next stop Castiel in the last episode of the seventh season.

- In Season 5 Chapter 07 "The Curious Case Of Dean Winchester" Dean loses a hand of poker with a witch and lose 25 years of his life, becoming an elder.

- In Season 4 Chapter 03 "In the Biginning" Dean sent in 1970 to Castiel. There he meets his parents when they were young newlyweds.

- He was sent to Zechariah 5 years into the future where he found it.

- In Temportada 8 Chapter 15 "Man Best Friend with Benefits" is discovered that Dean is allergic to cats.

- He hates mice.

- Suffers Heart to emphasize that the episode 3x6, "Red Sky at the Morning" in which Bella makes a play in the Impala with Dean getting. The Dean will almost literally a heart attack and Sam had to calm him down. This problem may come in the wake of last episode 1x12 "Faith" in which Dean, in a job hunt, was accidentally electrocuted that almost leads to muuerte. It was cured in the same episode, but that does not mean it has stopped "spots" so to speak.

- Always wearing his hair neatly trimmed and combed, unlike Sam.

- If Dean had not been destined for life as a hunter, it would certainly be a gamer / otaku, which has been seen in the Temproada 7 Chapter 11 "Adventures in Babysitting" when Sam called Anime "cartoons" offended and Dean answered, "they are not cartoons, is a Japanese art form" and Season 8 Chapter 11, where they meet with Charlie, which is a Live Action Role Players and Dean is very interested, discussing battle strategy

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