Thursday 18 April 2013

Bobby Singer

Robert "Bobby" Steven Singer, conegut com Bobby Singer nóm del protagonista de la série de televisió  Supernatural ( "Sobrenatural" en Espanya), interpretat per l'actor Jim Beaver.

Bobby va créixer en un ambient no tan amorós. El seu pare era un borratxo mitjà que constantment cridaba a ell i a la seva mare. Un dia, quan el seu pare colpejava la seva mare, Bobby va treure un rifle i va disparar al seu pare. Les últimes paraules del seu pare es van quedar amb ell, "Trenques tot el que toques". Anys més tard es va casar amb Karen. Tres dies abans que Karen estava posseïda, els dos van tenir una baralla sobre els nens i no parlaven després.

Bobby es va convertir en un caçador va haver de matar la seva dona Karen cantant quan ella estava posseïda per un dimoni. Rufus Turner és el caçador que exorcitza al dimoni i va ajudar a encobrir la mort de Karen. Va ser Rufus qui va introduir Bobby amb el món del sobrenatural, i caçaven junts durant molts anys fins que un caça va sortir malament a Omaha al voltant de 1993. Algun temps després, es troba amb John Winchester, i l'ajuda a tenir cura de Sam i Dean. Presa als nens en viatges de caça i fins i tot juga captura amb Dean al parc.

Va morir en la temporada 7 i en la temporada 8 Bobby es converteix en un esperit que està vinculada al seu flascó potable ajudant a Sam i Dean, després d'una estona Sam i Dean convèncer Bobby finalment recórrer abans de convertir-se un esperit venjatiu, ja que era el seu final.

Dades interessants d'en Bobby.

-És un caçador com els Winchester, i proporciona ajuda en les investigacions i caceres.

-Al llarg d'anys Bobby ha reunit una col · lecció de recursos sobre el sobrenatural, que inclou llibres i relíquies.

-El seu nom es refereix al productor executiu Robert Singer del programa.

-Sempre dui a Sam i Dean idiotes.


Bobby grew up in a not so loving environment. His father was a mean drunk who constantly yelled at him and his mother. One day when his father was hitting his mother, Bobby pulled out a rifle and shot his dad. His father's last words stuck with him, "You break everything you touch". Years later he got married to Karen. Three days before Karen was possessed, the two had a fight about children and didn't talk after.

Bobby became a hunter after he had to kill his wife Karen Singer when she was possessed by a demon. Rufus Turner is the hunter who exorcised the demon and helped cover up Karen's death. It was Rufus who introduced Bobby to the world of the supernatural, and they hunted together for many years until a hunt went wrong in Omaha around 1993. Sometime later, he meets John Winchester, and helps him take care of Sam and Dean. He takes the boys on hunting trips and even plays catch with Dean in the park. 

He died in Season 7 and Season 8 Bobby becomes a spirit that is linked to his drinking flask helping Sam and Dean, after a while Sam and Dean convince Bobby to finally go before become a vengeful spirit, as it was the end

Interesting information about Bobby.

-Is a hunter like the Winchesters, and provides assistance in investigations and hunts.  

-Throughout years Bobby has assembled a collection of resources about the supernatural, which includes books and relics.

-Its name refers to the program's executive producer Robert Singer.

-Always call Sam and Dean idiots.

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