Tuesday 16 April 2013


La sèrie, basada en els fenòmens inexplicables i les llegendes urbanes que recorren el territori nord-americà explica l'història de dos joves germans que, a partir de la mort de la seva mare ocasionada per un dimoni i la misteriosa desaparició del seu pare, es dediquen íntegrament a caçar éssers sobrenaturals (fantasmes, esperits venjatius, ens assassins i dimonis), amb la finalitat de trobar el dimoni causant de la seva tragèdia familiar i cobrar venjança.

The series, based on urban legends and unexplained phenomena that cross the U.S. territory explains the story of two young brothers who, after the death of his mother caused by a demon and the mysterious disappearance of his father, dedicated entirely to hunt supernatural beings (ghosts, vengeful spirits, demons and murderer beings), in order to find the demon causing his family tragedy and acquire revenge.


  1. Last year I watched a season of this series and found it very interesting! Your blog is very good!!

  2. Hi girls, I want to tell you that you're doing a great job, because I've seen the serie and it reflect exactly what is it about. Sure anyone will watch the serie thanks for you.

  3. Mª Francisca Capó24 May 2013 at 03:28

    I've never seen this series, but thanks your blog I have known the best and I think that it's a very interesting and entertaining series.
